Are You an Ideal Candidate for Natural Breast Enlargement?

You always hear about being an ideal candidate for breast enlargement surgery. How about for natural breast enlargement? Anyone can grow bigger breasts naturally but there are a few factors that may make it easier for some people to grow. Are you an ideal candidate for natural breast enlargement?


NBE is generally most effective for younger women compared to older women. With that said, it is not recommended that you engage in natural breast enlargement activities if you are going through puberty. You should wait until you are done before starting any type of natural breast enlargement regimen. Depending on who you ask, some say this is at 21 years old, some say 23 and others say 25 years old.
One reason why it may be easier for younger women to grow is that as you get older, your natural hormone levels decrease. Also, your body does not function optimally as you get older. But, just because you may be older doesn’t mean you won’t get any results. Yes, the younger ones might have an easier time and see results faster but there are many other factors that can contribute to the overall success of an NBE program.


Do you have a fast metabolism or have a hard time keeping weight? While many may consider you lucky, you might have a hard time with natural breast enlargement. But being thin is not the issue. There are many women who are thin and have naturally big breasts. Same can be said of women who have a little meat on them. Not all big women have big breasts. The issue is being underweight which can be caused by not getting enough calories or proper nutrition. Whatever fat is making it to the breasts is probably being burned off if you are underweight.
It is said that the ideal body mass index (BMI) is 20 for natural breast enlargement. To find your BMI, try this BMI calculator from the American Heart Association. It takes into consideration your status (ie athletic, under 20, etc). If your BMI is under 20, you may want to gain some weight before starting a natural breast enlargement routine.  A healthy way to do this is to increase your calorie intake by eating protein rich foods and good fats like nuts and coconut oil.

Previously Pregnant

If you have been pregnant, it is believed that NBE will be easier for you. While Stage 5 of the Tanner Scale is considered the end of breast development during puberty, the breasts are not considered fully developed or mature until one has experienced their first full-term pregnancy.  This is when breast cells mature and glandular tissue develops.  Natural breast enlargement might be easier because the ground work has been laid out during pregnancy,

Previous Growth from NBE

Have you had success with NBE in the past but lost some of your breast gains due to weight loss or any other reason? If so, you will probably have an easier time gaining it back. Many women have reported that they easily grew back what they lost in a matter of weeks. This may be because the pathways have already been laid out from your previous attempt with NBE. It’s just a matter of filling in the breasts again with fat cells.


Do you have the dedication to stick with the program day in and day out? You can have all the above factors going for you like young age, good BMI, etc but if you are not dedicated to your program, that all means nothing. If you are doing your routine haphazardly, your body isn’t getting what it needs to grow breasts. For example, with herbs and bovine ovary, your body needs a consistent level of product in your system but if you are taking your pills here and there, your body is not getting what it needs.
If none of these apply to you, don’t be discouraged, everyone is different.  It may seem like you have everything going against you but you may discover that you are one of the lucky ones that grows easily and effortlessly without any of the above listed factors.  That is our hope for everyone – may you be one of the lucky ones and may your NBE journey be as easy and effortless as possible.


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